Thursday, 19 March 2009

Is Pastor Chris A Charlatan?

Last night I read the review on Pastor Chris’s book by Ms Sarudzai Mabvakure. With all due respect, I think Pastor Chris is confused. When he says Jesus died for us, I wonder where Jesus ever said that. I know Paul made such wild declarations. I have read the Bible but I have never come across any part in which Jesus claimed that he would die to conquer death for his followers.

While we are at it, how does Pastor Chris define the process of getting born again?

The idea that kings rule by Divine Right, as alluded to in Ms Mabvakure’ review is debunked by First Samuel 8:10-17. Anyway, who are supposed to be ruled by the believers of Pastor Chris' ilk? This quest for temporal power is strange if we bear in mind that Jesus said blessed are the poor for they will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. The world does not need anymore theocratic oligarchs. The few we have are more than enough!

Equally strange is the notion that “The right or the privilege to live is reserved for the born again Christian.” What about the billions who were put on this planet by God and who do not subscribe to Pastor Chris’ brand of theology, by what authority are they denied the right or privilege to live? Does it mean that they all deserve the grizzly fate of the Amalekites?

Pastor Chris' claims have a sulphurous smell of bigotry that could easily verge on the genocidal. Let us not forget that Pastor Chris is a Nigerian Pentecostal whose country of origin is notorious for pastors who force members to pay fees for exorcism and anyone who fails is condemned to death by emollition; please watch the video posted by Rense. Be warned, it is very graphic and sickening.

One question commends itself, is Pastor Chris a charlatan? I sure would like to exchange correspondences with him because I find his claims deeply disturbing and devoid of scriptural merit.


Sarudzai Mubvakure said...

Thanks for your comments. They are strong views but I am honoured to be involved in this discussion with you.

Firstly, Is Pastor Chris a Charlatan? - I say certainly not ! Let us discuss to clarify a few things.

However, Just to clarify a few things: In the bible Jesus is recorded as saying that he came that we might have life and have it to the full (John 10v10). He also made the declaration "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14v6)

Re-looking at the following statement : “The right or the privilege to live is reserved for the born again Christian.” I will reclarify that by saying that the life spoken of here is the life of God (eternal life).

John 3v16-17 says "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son to condemn the world but to save the world through him."

Therefore, if you are born again, you have the right to eternal life - the life of God.

The question about being "born again" In John 3v 1-15, you find Jesus explaining the meaning of being born again to one of the Phariseic religious leaders of the day called Nicodemus. He (Nicodemus) too, could not understand the concept of being born again. He (Nicodemus) said "How can a man be born when he is old?" That’s a good question!!

Jesus goes on to explain that when we are born of our mother and father (i.e. Mr and Mrs Masere or Mr and Mrs Mubvakure), that means being born of the flesh. Meaning your mum and dad got together and then you and I arrived. However, there is a second birth that Jesus spoke of - which is to be born of God. How is that possible?

John 1v12 - 13 explains this "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God”

Therefore, by your faith or belief you are born again (Romans 10v9-10). God’s Spirit comes to reside in you – you experience God’s life – You are born of God. This is a second birth or a ‘new birth’. It is something that happens to our Spirit. After we have believed there is no change on the outside. We still have the same physical body. However on the inside we are a new creation, different from the old person. 2Corinthians 5v17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

In reference to Kings ruling. I will take (copy) the statement in the comment above “if were bear in mind that Jesus said blessed are the poor for they will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven”

Surely if one “Inherits a Kingdom”, it means that in some form or another they inherit the rulership or dominion over that territory. They are taking control of situations and not living a defeated life – the right to rule ?.

Final comment : Yes, Pastor Chris was probably born in Nigeria and his family originates from there however, what has been happening in his country is apart from what I believe as him being a man of God that has a passion to preach the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ.

I still strongly recommend his good book “Your Right’s in Christ”

Jonathan Masere said...

Ms Mabvakure, I have a lot of respect for you, the very reason I track your blog. Be that as it may, I disagree with everything you have said with regard to born-again Christianism and all the related comments.

For starters, the right to life is not something that is the unique preserve of born-again Christians. It is a universal right. Anyone who denies that has the onus to explicitly state reasons for accepting otherwise. Quoting some spurious Biblical verses will not suffice. Those who profess to be born-again Christians make up a tiny dot of the human population. Why would a tiny and very impertinent group condemn billions of people to perish bereft of God's protection? What kind of arrogant theology is that?

I asked you earlier and I will do so again; what fate awaits those who do not care about Pastor Chris' dispensationalist brand of Christianity? The 1 billion Moslems, the 1 billion Catholics, the 1 billion Hindus, the 1.5 billion atheist and Buddhist Chinese, not to mention animists and practitioners of small and unheralded theologies all over the world; are they all going to meet the fate of the Amalekites?

You bring up Nicodemus' question, which I suspected you would. Jesus could have told Nicodemus: "Don't worry good ole boy Nick. In a few weeks I am going to get nailed to tree, die, get buried and rise from the dead. After that all you need to do is accept that I am your lord and saviour. Viola, just like that, you will be born again!" Did Jesus say that to Nicodemus? That is part of the Pauline gospel – unless Jesus died and was raised from the dead, our faith is in vain - but Jesus never ever said any such thing.

Of course, Jesus answered Nicodemus but self-proclaimed born-again run away from Jesus' answer faster than the Devil runs away from Holy Water. Since I was brought up as a Catholic right from childhood, I know what Jesus said regarding the process of being born again. I presume you are well versed in the scriptures, too, and I will let you have the honour of telling me what Jesus said to Nicodemus. How about it?

Born-again Christians need to remember that they do not have a monopoly over God. As matter of fact, the Christianity theology is relatively new - the new kid on the block. It makes a lot of noise like the proverbial puppy that gets spooked by rustling leaves and barks at shadows of moving clouds.

Anyway, I have some essays that I wrote eight years ago that address your points. I will post them here or, if you prefer it, I could email them to you this weekend. In the meantime, take a look at my blog entry on the historicity of Jesus.

Let me say this, we might be at variance on the issue of Middle Eastern theologies but my respect for you is not diminished at all. If you are in touch with Christianist Pastor Chris let him know there is an Africanist who thinks Pastor Chris is confused and needs to be straightened out.