Monday, 25 May 2009

Beater Mangethe and Super Alick Macheso

Iri tinoriti dapurahunanzva;

Cheso Power - Mafaro Lyrics (to the best of my abilities - others feel free to make corrections)

Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye ndiri kufara ini
Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye ndiri kufara ini

Kumafaro kwakanakira kufadza nyama nepfungwa
Unowona zvakawanda munguva imwe chete-o
Uchinzwa zviningiswa zvimwe zvinodziva nzeve-e
Unowona zvakawanda zvinoyevedza meso nepfungwa
Kurudziro iyi yekufadza ropa zvikuruse-i mashoko-o

Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye ndiri kufara ini

Kumafaro kwakanakira kufadza nyama nepfungwa
Unowona zvakawanda munguva imwe chete-o
Uchinzwa zvizhinjiswa zvinodziva nzeve-e
Unowona zvakawanda zvinoyevedza meso nepfungwa
Kurudziro iri yekufadza ropa zvikuru sei-i mashoko-o

Kumafaro kwakanakira kufadza nyama nepfungwa
Unowona zvakawanda munguva imwe chete-o
Uchinzwa zvizhinjiswa zvinodziva nzeve-e
Unowona zvakawanda zvinoyevedza meso nepfungwa
Kurudziro iri yekufadza ropa zvikuru sei-i mashoko-o
Zvukuru sei mashoko

Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu
Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu
Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu

Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu
Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu
Aye ye ye ye ye ye ye tiri kufara isu


Sarudzai Mubvakure said...

Could'nt understand much apart from ndikufara ini. Nonetheless, they have good voices!

Jonathan Masere said...

Ms Mabvakure, thanks for stopping by.

I have just posted the lyrics I tried to write by listening to the video. It was something I did while taking a break from editing my manuscript of The Clan Oracle and Other Stories.

The last thing I want to do is sent it to potential reviewers riddled with typographical errors and primary-school grammatical mistakes. The manuscript has been on the pile for a while, ignored while I grappled with other chores - kumunda and zvekubasa.

If you do not mind, I can send a copy of my Shona book prior to its publication. The inimitable Jeff Milanzi is currently working on the cover design and he will be a co-author.

Interestingly, my son loves the stories, a very big endorsement really. He has been waiting for the book, to show it off, since last year.

Sarudzai Mubvakure said...

Most definitely. I would be glad to read your new book. I am to purchase your book African Folketales for Children this weekend. Always happy to read, review and encourage.

william said...

guys macheso idhara let me say it again idhara macheso. although ari big dhara,some of his lyrics are difficult to understand.try to listen to upenyu hwemunhu. some of the lyrics if you dont listen carefully surely you end up not understanding the whole album.hwever the bottom line is macheso is an icon worth to emulate

william said...

"Uchinzwa zviningiswa zvimwe zvinodziva nzeve-e"

macheso at the of the day we shall call you nyanduri. where did this gentleman get his lyrics.

guys if you think i am lying just listen to 'upenyu hwemunhu" some of the lyrics are ununderstandable but if you try to listen very carefully and analyse them you will notice, they have great meanings